What is Your Imaginary Friend's Name?

Ok. Sooo, This quiz is here to give you an idea of what your imaginary friend's name is. It could be one of five choices. Henrietta, Phillip, Flora, Bob, or none*as in you don't have one*. So, carry on witht he quiz now!

Yesh, I DO HAVE AN IMAGINARY FRIEND!!!! His name is Phillip. He helped me with this quiz. Good luck on the quiz! Luffers from both of us, Phillip and Alex.

Created by: Alex
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok... So, First of all, do you actually HAVE an imaginary friend?
  2. How would you describe your imaginary beshtie? I will use da general term of "He" from now on, K?
  3. How about his favorite food?
  4. ummm.. Favorite colour please.
  5. HOw long has said imaginary friend been with you?
  6. What's your Friend's favorite game?
  7. Hhhhmmm... why the h.ell did you take this quiz anyway? Just wondering. No effect.
  8. Was this a good quiz? I don't care what you think, I just had a brain fart and can't think of anything else.
  9. AH-HA!!! Now, Is your imaginary friend a boy or a girl?
  10. Last one. Do you love your imaginary friend? Brother or sisterly love you PERV!! gawd. not like you wanna MARRY IT! gross... Isn't that right Philip? *Phillip nods his head.*

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Quiz topic: What is my Imaginary Friend's Name?