What is your element?

What is your element. earth, air, fire, water. Well take the quiz and find out now. It will grow hair, help you take over the world, wonder when this is over,

Take over 2 worlds, become Darth Vader, and even get. YAY pie.

Created by: Zachary

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which is most apealing to you.
  2. How would you get past a wall?
  3. Why is the sky blue? (Filling in min.)
  4. Hi!
  5. Are you...
  6. Nothing left just keep going.
  7. Keep going
  8. Yea yea
  9. ....
  10. Sooo. You like pie?

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Quiz topic: What is my element?