what is your bffs name?

its about my circle of friends.my friend kristy is in this even though were not friends anymore i drove her away.its about finding out who you are inside your bffs name and everything.

are you a good friend?do you have what it takes to find a good friend on here?you may be loyal but a bad thing may set you off.you have to be careful when choosing friends though even if you are you may get hurt bad.

Created by: brianna

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

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  4. who is ur crush?
  5. wat is ur city?
  6. who is ur real bffs name?
  7. do you like blondes or brunettes?
  8. pudding!!!
  9. fave song?
  10. hi narnia narnarnarnar

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Quiz topic: What is my bffs name?