What is Wrong With You?

Do you have something wrong with you? This quiz probably won't help you, but it might. I don't know, really. But I hope you enjoy it :D Now go see if you're messed up in the head!

So, are you messed up in the head? Do you go around thinking you're a potato on a journey to avenge your fallen French fries? ... If so, you're really messed up.

Created by: Jacob
  1. Hello.
  2. How are you?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. What's wrong with you anyway?
  5. You having fun? (Doesn't count)
  6. Yes.
  7. No.
  8. Do you like trains?
  9. Nom nom nom :3
  10. Can you sing? (Doesn't count)
  11. All done! (Doesn't Count)

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