What group do you belong in?

Gossip, jokes, fun, friends! You got'em? Groups are what make school. Which group do you belong in? Find out before it's too late! Gothic, Preppy, Popular, Nerdy, Wild, Funny, Weird? Which one? FIND OUT!

Do YOU belong? Well, with which Clique? Which group? With which posse? Maybe you don't belong in a group! Are you socially awkward, or socially accepted? FIND OUT!

Created by: Adam N.
  1. What do you do when you are home alone?
  2. How many friends do you have?
  3. Do you like having a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  4. When you have a crush how long does it take for you to ask them out?
  5. Are you scared of people who are in a higher grade then you are?
  6. Do you have any enemies?
  7. Do you have a Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, ETC.?
  8. What group do you think belong in?
  9. What is the one reason you like coming to school?
  10. What do you do at parties?

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Quiz topic: What group do I belong in?