What game system are you?

take t`his quiz again and agian and again over and over and over and over because mine is the best overall l o l o lol lol ol o l o l o lo lol o o l o l o lo l o l o l o l o l o l o l o

are you a sony ? do you have the skills to qualify hor this prestigious ranking? until now you can only wonder. but thanks tro this great quiz you dont have to

Created by: squeky98

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you go to a game store such as game stop every system is on sale what will you get
  2. you buy a sony system and you hate its guts what do you do..........?
  3. you buy a xbox you hate what do you do........?
  4. you cant stand the games for the ps3 and u
  5. you like having all the game systems and you
  6. you you hate games all to gather and cant stand this if so you shouldnt be doing this one
  7. u have a wife or husband you blow off having sex with them to play games
  8. your going to the mountains and you cry cuz u forget to bring a ds
  9. your getting bored you play games instead of going shy diving
  10. you mom tells you to do your chores

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Quiz topic: What game system am I?