What for does that go how?

Is it? How? idk! LULZ, WHUT? If I knew, I'd liekz that dues it, but don'ts goes it notheres/ i nods lik 4chanese! Did itz doos the whutz?! YEA! Go Germany!

Yes, this quiz is the best ever. It is a quiz of wits, strength, and compatibility. I don't know why E harmony rejects so many people. But at www.matchmaker.com, we find the one right for you, and don't reject anyone.

Created by: Étienne-Napoleon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does it go?
  2. If whut goes, how liek it dues dat?
  3. So I heard you like Mudkips?
  4. Free Choice...How many points would you like?
  5. What was wrong with that last question?
  6. What did you get on the "How 4chan are you" quiz?
  7. Can your mom walk in space?
  8. Did you like this QUIzzxjoanwZ?
  9. Haha! 2 more questions!

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