What female celebrity are you

There are so many celebrities out there.too many to count but which one are you like.are you kind or mean.naughty or nice.spunky or boring.take this quiz to find out.

Are you a b---- or are you just cocky.are you real or fake.do you rise above it or below it.come take this quiz to find out!come take this quiz okay ppl

Created by: Paisley_marie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your fashion is...
  2. You most likely be seen accepting an award for...
  3. What would be your permanent career choice
  4. Your life goal would be to
  5. A guy would have to be (blank) in order for you to date him
  6. You've just created controversy,why?
  7. On a off day(from working etc.) you can most likely be found...
  8. Which one of these statements would you most likely say...
  9. Critics would call you...
  10. What color is your hair?

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Quiz topic: What female celebrity am I