What Do Your Toes Say About You?

Toes can say so much about you! Afterall, they're a part of you, and they are the ones that know you the best! They treasure you, and keep you company, but don't l them. Bathe them get out of control! Love them! Treasure them! Feed them! Massage them. Kiss them. Good Day!

Toes can say so much about you! Afterall, they're a part of you, and they are the ones that know you the best! They treasure you, and keep you company, but don't l them! Bathe them get out of control! Love them! Treasure them! Feed them! Massage them! Kiss them! Good Day!

Created by: Definataply

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do your toes always seem to haunt you?
  2. Your toes always seem to start crying!
  3. When you are sad, do your toes comfort you?
  4. Why are you taking this quiz?
  5. Do you love this song?: Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes Toes ! They're my loving Toes!
  6. Are your toes in a relationship?
  7. What are toes to you?
  8. Should you feed your baby toe?
  9. You have toe deformities!
  10. Do you teach them how to talk?

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Quiz topic: What Do my Toes Say About You?