What colour girl are you?

Which colour girl are you? Black White Aqua or Pink! BTW this quiz is for girls! I hope you like it! :D I know you will! I excpecially want to see you

Are you Black, White, Aqua or Pink! Take this awesome quiz to find out! I bet you I got White! What about YOU????? \I love the quiz! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Created by: Lilyfernando

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your casual style?
  2. Do you have a dog?
  3. What makeup do you wear?
  4. Do you like pants?
  5. Do you like this quiz
  6. Do you have any siblings? (BTW I have a little sister and a little brother)
  7. Do you like black?
  8. Pick one
  9. Hi my name is Lily Fernando! How are you🤗🙂
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: What colour girl am I?