What artist are you?

There are ALOT of artists,i picked a few out and made a little quiz about what artist you look most like.Finish the test and see you`re look-a-like.I dare you!Click me and we`ll figure out!Cmon Buddy,Click it!

So ,i bet you're dieng to know what artist you are.Arent you?This is a fair quiz where you cant Choose who you look like most.I looked upon wikipedia to see what artists like what most so there's no way you know wich one you're gonna be unless you're their biggest fan.

Created by: Arno
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a calm person?
  2. What music do you like?
  3. What about Justin Bieber?
  4. would you wanna go in a band or go solo?
  5. What are you like?
  6. How will the world end?
  7. Are you an optimist or a persimist?
  8. What do you use you`re pc for?
  9. What do you watch on tv?
  10. Do you do drugs?
  11. What is you`re destiny in life?
  12. Do you own an expensive phone?
  13. Where do you live?
  14. Are you a good kisser?
  15. Out of these 5;what is you're favorite qoute?

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Quiz topic: What artist am I?