What anime girl type are you?

What type of anime girl are you? Take this quiz too find out! Are you a Goth, Emo, School girl, Prep, Slut. You'll never know unless you take this quiz!

What does those types mean? Goth is someone who wears all back and hate prep, emo is almost the same thing, School girl is someone who is cute and loves school girl skirts, prep is a very annoying person, and you should already know what a slut is.

Created by: Kagome Higurashi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your favorite color?
  2. Your favorite store?
  3. How many bf's or gf's have you have?
  4. Favorite type of tv show?
  5. How often do you take pictures of yourself?
  6. Your make-up kit includes:
  7. What color is your room?
  8. Right now you feel?
  9. Pick one
  10. Pick a word

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Quiz topic: What anime girl type am I?