what age should you stay forever

there are many smart pepole but few true geniuses . genius is afterall quite exceptional .what is a genius a genuis is someone who is really good at solving probloms

ask your self are you ready to take on what age should you stay for ever find out if you should stay old or young for the rest of your life find out now

Created by: caitriona
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you male or female
  2. what age are you
  3. what is your favroite number
  4. do you like numbers
  5. if you could stay one age what age would you stay forever
  6. how many siblings do you have
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 which number is your favroite
  8. if you could what number would you take away fron these
  9. how many pepole are there in your family
  10. he just before you go i want you to know this was my first quiz and do you think i sould make more quizes

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Quiz topic: What age should I stay forever