What actor are you?
You might b as cool as * noun: a philosopher who believes that universals are real and exist independently of anyone thinking of them * noun: a painter who represents the world realistically and not in an idealized or romantic style * noun: a person who accepts the world as it literally is and deals with it accordingly * noun: any of various long-tailed primates (excluding the prosimians) * noun: one who is playfully mischievous * verb: play around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestly * verb: do random, unplanned work or activities or spend time idly
or * noun: obscene terms for feces * noun: obscene words for unacceptable behavior * verb: have a bowel movement * noun: any of various long-tailed primates (excluding the prosimians) * noun: one who is playfully mischievous * verb: play around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestly * verb: do random, unplanned work or activities or spend time idly
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