What about Fostoria?

Jesus this quiz is making me write paragraphs on why I want to make this quiz. It's simple...Do you know Fostoria???? If not, it will pass the time if you are bored and want to learn some useless trivia about the baddest little town in northwest Ohio.

Are you SMART? Do you know teeny, weenie, menial facts about Fostoria Ohio that no one else gives a s--- about? If so you might want to take this quiz just to see how f---in smart you are.

Created by: Heather
  1. Which one of these has the biggest hill for sledding:
  2. What year was Burger King put in?
  3. How many major rail lines run through Fostoria?
  4. The Roller Rink was located on the corner of which 2 streets?
  5. Which one of these is not or has not been a pizza joint in Fostoria?
  6. What's the name of the old theatre across the street from the roller rink?
  7. In 1978 a huge _____ destroyed many buildings, shattered windows downtown, and crashed trees on top of cars.
  8. Which schools did they demolish to build the new Kroger?
  9. Where was McDonald's restaurant before it was on Countyline Street?
  10. The intersection of Perry, Main and Sandusky streets would also be known as:

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