warrior cats what is ypur name

there are warriors leaders and evilones you have questions to answer are you going to be a loner a rouge kittypet or a potential leader of your clan

there are different results swiftfire (my name if you get it dont use it at all as a screen name) tigerfang,moonpelt,longears,wolfeyes and a kittypet name

Created by: swiftfire

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whe are you loyal to
  2. what is your position
  3. are you reliogous
  4. if you are assigned an apprentice you dont like what would you do
  5. clik
  6. clik
  7. clik
  8. clic
  9. clik
  10. clik

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