Viva Pinata Facts!

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Hey, it's Langston, I thought I'd round up a few facts for you nerdy little derps! Hopefully you already knew this, eh? Let's just see about that!

Hm, I have to type more? What else is there to say? I have to continue looking for Fergy, I don't have time for you derps and your nonsense! Gotta run!

Created by: Langston

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. The first appearance of a sour pinata was in "Mad Mongo."
  2. When you see Fergy entering and exiting his closet you can see the two right feet trophy he won in the episode "legs"
  3. Fergy's guitar is designed to resemble a lollipop
  4. Hudson's base is designed to resemble a horse shoe.
  5. The first pinata to enter your garden is the whirlm.
  6. (Professor Pester is a pedophile)
  7. (The Grass Network is boring)

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