Twilight Charecter

Only some people could be a vampire could you and if you could which one would you be edward bella alice emit rosalie renesmee you name it this is the best twilight quiz on earth! You will love it I love twilight I love twilight I love twilight I love twilight I love twilight I love twilight

Are you obsessed with twilight? want to know which character you are? Take this quiz and find out edward bella alice emit rosalie renesmee you name it this is the best twilight quiz on earth! You will love it I love twilight I love twilight I love twilight I love twilight I love twilight I love twilight I love twilight

Created by: ana
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your dream date
  2. What would you like about being a vampire
  3. What is your ideal gift
  4. if you could not be with your true love what would you do
  5. What would the coolest super power be
  6. If you were in the Cullen clan and you killed a human what would your biggest concern be
  7. What is the most appealing trait of being a vampire
  8. Should bella be a vampire
  9. What would the worst part of being a vampire be
  10. would you want to be a vampire

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