Tomato soup Contest

" Allot of good cooks can cook, but can you beet them. We are having a Tomato soup contest, and you can join. If you get first place then we know for sure that you are a natural born cook."

" Are you going to join? because if you are, you can join right now. Just answer the questions that are given to you on the screen. It's very easy so join right now."

Created by: OldGranny
  1. How many tablespoons do you use of vegetable oil?
  2. How many drops of hot pepper sauce do you need?
  3. Do you use milk for Tomato soup?
  4. Do you use sweet potato for Tomato soup?
  5. how many teaspoons of ground black pepper?
  6. Do you use salt for the Recipe?
  7. How many cups of copped onion do you use?
  8. How many tablespoons of sugar do you use for the recipe?
  9. Should you cook Tomato soup in the oven?
  10. Are you ready to see your results?

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