There are some of us who are quite comfortable and confident with our religion. Then there are those who even though they are faithful to their religion, are still not comfortable to let others know what religion that they practice. And then you have the group, that well, they just don't know. It's like they are waiting for someone to tell them that it's ok for them to decide what's right for them or not.

Are you one of the confident ones? The loyal, but hidden, or still lost trying to find exactly where it is you belong? Hopefully this quiz will shed some light on your dilemma. And if it doesn't, well it sure was funny, finding out! LMAO

Created by: Kalaiya
  1. Your college roommate starts to notice some "strange" things about you and your surroundings. Like for ex: your use of patchouli oil for just about everything, your "jewish star" jewelery,& your collection of candles. She finally asks what does it all mean.
  2. One night while you're snuggled with your BF/GF and watching a movie, they suddenly announce, "let's move in!" Scrambling to your feet, you quickly look around the room to make sure you've hidden all of your "witchy" objects. What's a matter? Making sure you've hidden those "funky toys" of yours? What are they for anyway?
  3. On Halloween night, you spend it like this.....
  4. You're spending a nice quiet night at home, cuddled on the couch with your familiar watching a scary movie when...RING RING RING. The phone rings right in your ear. You jump up and answer it, only to hear your best friend crying frantically and it's hard to hear any of the words coming out of her mouth. Finally you hear the words "He Hit Me". You tell her to stay put, that you will be right there. On the drive over, you mind is racing, what to do, what to do? Magick can harm none, but you'd be surprised what you can get away with when you're protecting someone. Do you tell her? Yes or No?
  5. You've never been known as one to be a liar. One day, someone comes up to you, face to face, and just flat out asks you. Are you a Witch/Wizard? You ....
  6. Would you tell someone that you were a Witch/Wizard just to make them interested in you?
  7. Everyone is gathered at the table for a huge Thanksgiving Feast. For the prayer everyone grabs hands of the person sitting next to them. You are a guest at your best friends house. Unexpectedly, their father says "since you are our guest, why don't you say grace?". Do you tell or not to tell?
  8. Did this quiz, make you ask yourself To Tell or Not To Tell?
  9. Is there anyone that you question yourself as to whether you will Tell or Not Tell?
  10. Would you recommend this quiz to someone who's not sure about their own religion?

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