To my readers (laurenblah75)

Ok. I dont wanna say what i gotta say in thes paragraphs on the top so you must scroll down and take the quiz to find out what it is i must tell all of my fans of 10 Secrets.

Ok. I dont wanna say what i gotta say in thes paragraphs on the top so you must scroll down and take the quiz to find out what it is i must tell all of my fans of 10 Secrets. Now go!!!

Created by: laurenblah75
  1. I am so sorry that i dont know when i can release the next part.
  2. I know that i said i would release 10 Secrets (part 9) by sunday, but there is no way i have the time.
  3. I am reallynot feeling well and i can hardly keep my eyes open just to type this.
  4. I have a huge heada he and i feel like i have no energy.
  5. Plus on monday the 27th i start school.
  6. I honestly cant say when i can put the next part out.
  7. Im so sorry to all of who i have upset. I will try my hardest to make my schedual fit so i can make the parts. I am so sorry.
  8. Well anyways i hope all of you can understand that right now i dont have very much time. I will try because i feel like the series is going well. I wont quite guys.
  9. Now i will sleep.
  10. Bye.

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