Time to redo my quiz

So I made another quiz cause I kept getting s--- about the other quiz. Everyone was complaining how it wasn't fair and how were they supposed to answer it and...BLAH BLAH BLAH! whatever, here's an easier one

So enjoy, I hope you do better than last time, and if you don't...then you must be Alex or someone else who doesn't listen to me, or maybe (Charmaine) I just don't tell you some things. Anyways....

Created by: Whitney
  1. How do you spell my middle name?
  2. What's my favorite candy?
  3. What is my greatest Pet peeve?
  4. Which band would I love to see in concert again?
  5. How much older than me is my sibling?
  6. What color was my cactus's head?
  7. What zodiac sign are my parents?
  8. What is Whitney's favorite type of shisha currently?
  9. Charmaine I stole this from you, How many ahem Instruments has Whitney owned?(not counting the hooka)
  10. What is Whitney's favorite swear?
  11. What major didn't Whitney think about doing before choosing her current major?
  12. During her life how many times has Whitney moved (I doubt any of you Ithaca persons will get this)
  13. What state does Whitney want to live in after graduation?

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