This is Calico's quiz

This is my quiz! So you gonna take it? This quiz tells ya if you're like me or not! Well sometin like that anyway..... But why not take it? My owner did all the typing by the way but let's go on

So do you think you're trouble like me or a come wise gentle folk who would take my coat?I need a calico friend so high hopes for that score! Please note that no mean or assaulting commets will be posted thank you!

Created by: Kitten tamer

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So Wanna do something FUN?!
  2. Sow? Wanna go to a beach with hollow water prrr fect for kitties?
  3. I like sleep overs paws!
  4. K kitties almost owt of ideas so I might be doing random ones ok?
  5. K so I like rainbow!
  6. What's this song?:party rock anthem house tonight!
  7. Random question!
  8. Which one?
  9.  
  10. Ok one more real question! Do you like disco balls?
  11. K bye who do ya wanna get?

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