
i guess i have to type some more. so anyways, as i was saying, tomorow should be fub. then on thrsday i think i mgiht go to the beach with tianna nad kelsey

and kyle and shane and possibly alex i really want to go snorkeling again because i'm really getting into that. only thing is that i really dont want to get so dark

Created by: sarah

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. if a mutation occured in e coli that deleted the gene for adhesion, what effect might it have on the ability of e coli to cause urinary tract infections? what did the gene for adhesion code for?
  2. many vaccines provide years of protection against a disease. why doesnt the influenze vaccine offer more than a few months of protection?
  3. drug resistant bacteria are known to arise as a result of antibiotics added to animal feed. sometimes these bacteria are present in foods, such as ground beef, from animal sources. recent research has confirmed that genes for genes for drug resistance spread to other species of bacteria in the human intestine following the indigestion of resistant bacteria. what process DONT allow these genes to move from species to species of bacteria?
  4. a physicinis treating two different patients. patient a is being treated with gentamicin while patient b is being treated with benzyl penicillin. the initial treatments for both of these patients have failed. which patient can safely receive a dose increase?
  5. two patients received corneal transplants of the right eye on the same day, in the same facility, from the same donor. the corneas were kept in a solution of gentamicin and streptomucin, and transplatiation was completed within 48 hours of tissue recovery. both cornea recipients developed eye infections and were treated with genetamcin but the inflammation increase. infections were resolved with pencillin G. why didnt the first round of treatment cure the infection?
  6. which of your body host defenses woud help fight a pathogen entering you body through small cut on your hand?
  7. which of your bodys nonspecific host defenses wouold help fight a pathogen entering your body through inhalation into your lungs
  8. which of your bodys nonspecific host defenses wouold help fight a pathogen entering your body through ingestin with contaminated food?
  9. how is fever related to resistance (nonspecific/specific resistance)? is it a good idea to take steps to reduce a moderate fever?
  10. friend gets red patches on leg from beach. how was her immune defense breached?
  11. bacteria can cause disease by using their toxins to interfere with important body processes; by overcoming body defenses; such as phagocytosis; by using their enzymes to digest tissue cells; or other similiar mechanisms. viruses, by contrast, have no toxins, cant overcome body defenses, and produce no digestive enzymes. how, then do viruses cause disease?
  12. why are animal viruses grown in eggs and not in culture media (nutrient broth onnly?)
  13. both the human t cell lymphomatic virus are rna viruses. however, only htlv can cause cancer, while the rabies virus cannot. what is the explanation for this?
  14. both the human t cell lymphomatic virus are rna viruses. however, only htlv can cause cancer, while the rabies virus cannot. what is the explanation for this?

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