Think you no me?

Bored? then why not take my quiz?There are many people who know me and many who dont, why not try this quiz to see if you no me well anough, there only simple questions just answer them.

Your scores will be measured by pecenatge out of a 100 of how well you no me, so why dont you find out yours. although you might not wanna waste your time.

Created by: Jack
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Colour eyes do i have?
  2. How old am i?
  3. When is my Birthday?
  4. whats my star Sign?
  5. Whats my dogs name?
  6. Whats my full name?
  7. Where do i live?
  8. Whtas my fav food?
  9. What school do i go to?
  10. What can i not drink?

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