think you know me,huh smarty????

they want me to do what yeah right!soo do you know me well enough to say that im a fun kindish person to somewhat hang with???voule voko shay ave moi yes sir!!!

this is for all my peeps(friends) i hate you all for making me do this!!!making quizzes are fun!!!anyways nick jonas is the hottest jo bro!!!!i love you nick jonas im yours!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: lotus flower

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. whats my middle name???
  2. whats my fave colours?????
  3. who was manys sibs???
  4. whos my fave singer???
  5. do i like people???
  6. whats my age again???
  7. fave song of mine???
  8. what am i usually doing????
  9. "the lights are on and your not ho..."sorry got carried away there.whens my birthday???(month)
  10. what colour are my eyes????

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