The zombie killing quiz

"If you ever had a chance to kill a zombie, would you?Well,if you would [I wouldn't,but my friend Collin was making this quiz right now, he would have a different opinion.]how would you kill it?I know,it's a really wierd question,but my friend Collin wanted me to write this because i'm a good writer so just bear with me here.

Even if you WANTED to kill a zombie would you be brave enough? Strong enough?Until now you could only imagine and waiting earnest day after day thinking,wondering UNTIL NOW!

Created by: Collin[Alexa]

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. if you were in side your house and saw a zombie out the window what would you do
  2. if you were lost in a place filled with zombies what would you do
  3. what would you do if a zombie is walking to you
  4. it is still night and you can hardly see and a zombie comes what would be the smartest thing to do
  5. what would be the smartest thing to kill zombies
  6. the best way to kill 2,000,000 zombie is to
  7. what if the earth was filled with zombies what would you do
  8. you are trapped in a house and zombies are every where but in your house what would you do
  9. if you are badly cut what do you do
  10. you made it but you forgot to tell your friend that the chopper came do you..

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