The world hates my guts ._.

*sigh* WARNING: Don't read this, just take the quiz. The following paragraph contains a massive pity party. You've been warned, ok? Don't say I didn't.

Nothing ever goes my freaking way! The world hates my guts! God hates my guts! Gotoquiz hates my guts! Everbody hates my guts! I feel so unloved. :(

Created by: Firey_Soul

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. OH MY FIRETRUCKING GOD!!!! My quiz doesn't show up... and neither does my quiz saying that the other quiz is out. Hopefully this one will show up or I will lose it. -.-
  2. It's called "Can I ask you something? (by Firey_Soul)" Check it out, please. I need your help.
  3. I feel like I'm spamming gotoquiz, but oh well. This is the last quiz I post about this.
  4. *sigh* skip the rest.
  5. .
  6. .
  7. .
  8. .
  9. .
  10. FML. -.-

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