The White Dress~Chapter 1

The secret of werewolves is the deepest and the darkest of them all and all because of this dress that caused me to take my place as Alpha female with my mate that I am forced to love...

My name is Adela Krest and I am here to share this deep, dark secret with you, how my life turned for the worse but most importantly how I unknowingly broke some rules and demolished the sacred treaty, this is a story like no other because of a curious and spontaneous girl, four breathtaking lads and a white dress...

Created by: XxVaviviciousxX

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  1. I don't get why this gorgeous finely designed dress was hidden way at the back. It's white satin felt like water to it's touch and was cool to the touch. Its halterneck was low enough to expose a perfect ample bossom, the elastis a the waist could hold and fit any waist even as small as mine, the the dress had splits from the waist downwards until they dissapeared into the hem and the back was open and exposed skin.
  2. I grabbed a pair of white suede peep-toe platform heels with a red sole beneath and bowtie detail which cost $500. I made my way to the counter where a woman in her late thirties sat, enthralled her red Blackberry curve. She scanned the shoes first but stopped when she was about to scan the tagless dress. "You do know that this dress is not for sale, right?" The woman asked. "What? I want it for my prom dance, it can't be not for sale, what was it doing on your shelves?" I protested stubbornly. "Look, it's a gorgeous dress and I would die to have it but, that's what the owner says." The counter girl says, playing with the fabric of the dress between her fingers, also admiring it's magical feel. "Can I speak to your boss, please." I say. "Freddie, get your butt dowb here!" The woman shouts towards a closed door behind her. A minute later, a man who happens to be the owner of the botique comes out. "What do you want, Liza, to make my life a living crap for another second?" The man asks grumpily. "Oh, shut the hell up, you old piece of Motherf..." "Hi, I'm Adela Krest and I really want to buy this dress, but this wonan says it's not for sale but I found it on the shelves." I say, cutting the woman off. The man eyes the dress for a long while then says, "I'll give it to you for ten thousand bucks and I'll throw in a tarzanite pendant in too."
  3. I gasped and shook my head. "One thousand?" I asked, trying my luck. "Eight thousand and that's as far as I'm going." The man said. I glared at him but paid anyway using my credit card. I got to my car where I found a guy bending down as if to pick up something then stand up again. I walked to my car to get a better look but he'd already seen me. "Uh, is this your car?" He asked, shoving his hand into his pocket. "Er, yes it is?" I replied but it was more like a question. "I dropped my ring beneath it so could you reverse it so I can get it." He says. I nod, get into my car and reverse it. I get out to make sure he got it but drink in his looks first, beautiful russet-blonde curls and hazel eyes, dimple in his lefy cheek and peachy skin. "Thanks, I'm Tyler Von Zeeland by the way." He says, pulling out a firm hand. " Adela Krest." I reply.
  4. We let go of each other's hands and my eyes immediatly fall into his left palw where a ring lies. It's Chopard, white gold and pink shapphire and white diamonds. "Who's the lucky girl?" I ask curiously, pointing at the ring. "What do you...oh, god, no," Tyler says, laughing. "It's my sister's engagement ring, she lost it and I found it in the microwave." I say nothing but "wow.". "Are you going to the prom too?" He asks pointing at the peeking dress in my bags. "You're going too?" "Yep, I don't know why." He says blowing his hair out his face. "You go to proms?"I ask teasingly. His phone rings and he claims he has to go.
  5. .I arrive at my mother's extra large house, so unlike my dad's crappy apartment which smells like cigerettes and has the underwear of cheap one night stand sluts under the couches and bed. The gate opens automatically becuase it has a sensor which senses numberplates. I leave my car in the drive way and walk along the path which is pretty nice becuase it has roses and many flowers. My life is perfect, well, half-way perfect becuase my mom is a stinking rich CEO of the best transportation comany, I get everything I want when I want it but the problem is, I'm a loner, my parents are divorced and I'm just not happy...
  6. I was halfway to the door when I heard a few crunches of twiggs. I spun around, instantaneously pulling out a pocket knive that I always keep in my pocket. "Show yourself!" I snapped. A figure stepped out from behind my car. Blue sapphires with tints of emerald are the first things I see. The boy's longish locks of yellow gold fall a bit into his gorgeous eyes and goes perfectly with his sun-kissed skin. To make it worse, he's wet, his hair, his bare, muscular chest and his shorts.
  7. "Who are you?" I asked in a squeaky voice, feeling my cheeks burn. The guy chuckles, "Call me Drew, short for Andrew, the new lifeguard, I'll be in servis for Adela Krest at her sweet sixteen pool party, you are?" I should've known, mom was planning a sweet sixteen for me tomorrow. "Adela Krest." I say shaking hands with him. "Ooh, the party was supposed to be a secret from you." "I won't tell Adela, don't worry."
  8. He smiled and winked in gratitude and left with a golden smile on his face, turning my legs to jelly. When I entered the house it was empty as usual, I could throw the wildest party in California and my mom wouldn't know, actually she wouldn't reall give a damn. When I got to my room, I got my i-pad out and logged onto Facebook. I had two friend requests from a Nikita Cassim, a girl from chemistry and from Bianca Karr, a nice girl from the cheerleading squad. I accepted both and saw that I had 1 message from Eliaza MacIntyre.
  9. 'Have you found a dress yet?' The message read. I replied yes. It was six PM so I took a bath, did my hair and all the nessesary. I put on blood-red lipstick which I hated and did my hair in a chinagon and held it up with these pretty silver pins and slides. For shoes I wore...
  10. There was the honking of a car from outside, my ride. I grabbed my mom's 'borrowed' Louis Vuitton clutch bag and dashed ouside, leaving the lights on for thugs and locking the doors. It was a perfect night: a leafy, starry sky, a sweet, fresh air, a soft, light breeze that whispered through the grass and a full moon haning in the sky with a welcoming smile. In the driveway was a white porsche, waiting for me like a queen's carrige. He stepped out of it, his smile so beautiful and bright that the moon was no match. I couldn't see his eyes, but I new they were an icy blue and twinkled so much that the stars were nothing, his hair, a beautiful messy, deep red head of hair, his sexy, strong and defined jawline and last but not least, his tall, lean body which was covered by grey jeans, white sneakers, a charcoal shirt and a cobalt blue tie... Yes beautiful but unfortunately not mine...
  11. Alistair Strauss was only my best friend who I had met a few months ago. He had been an exchange student from Britain and had this thick, charming bri'ish accen that made all the girls at Harmony High swoon. Alistair had joined our trio of me, Aiden and Eliaza, but he had plainly stated that none of the girls at Harmony held his intrest and in a way, I guess it includes me. "Hey." I said, my voice barely a whisper. "Wow you look... Yow, that dress." Alistair said with an odd look on his face. "It looks great, right?" I said, fighting the urge to do a little twirl. "Too, uh, great, you should take it off and wear it to your wedding instead." he said with his thumb in his front pocket. I laughed, "Nah, that's after how many years?" Alistair said nothing but gulped as we entered the car to find...

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