The Which Manele Star Are You? Quiz

Manele is the controversial Romanian pop music that began in the Gypsy slums of Bucharest's Ferentari district. If you're familiar with the genre, you're probably passionate about the subject (hate it! love it!)

Now, the miloane de dolari question: if you were a manelist, which manelist would you be? Could you pick up chicks? Would you wear all white? Would you choose a stage name that reflected your genitalia? Come, and find out in the Which Manele Star Are You? Quiz! Onward, baiat de cartier/gagica buna!

Created by: tobyk
Personality Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your greatest asset?
  2. What does your voice sound like?
  3. When you love someone, they remind you of:
  4. At a party, which of the following are you most likely to do?
  5. Which of these things would affect you the most?
  6. What do you most look like physically?
  7. What is your ideal pet?
  8. Your ideal female:
  9. Which of these things are you most likely to be heard saying?
  10. Which of the following American celebrities do you most resemble:
  11. Okay, almost done. If you were going to be reincarnated, what would you return as?

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Quiz topic: The Which Manele Star am I? Quiz