The war of 1812-1815

There are lot of smart people in the world but your coul'd be a scientest. Even a rokect science man.Rock on and be happy. Try your best in school and or your job. Don't quite just keep up the exellent work. Your awsome "friend", Josh

Are you smart? If you are try out my awsome quiz. Its action packed with awsome questins and much,much awsome. Your great. Just keep up the good work.Come again to my action filled website to find more cool things like your own name in the quiz hall of fame.

Created by: Josh of War of 1812
(your link here more info)
  1. When did the war start
  2. What was one of the commanders of America?
  3. What was one of the Britain commanders?
  4. On July 1st President Madison declared war on who?
  5. The battle was held between who?
  6. Where was the peace treaty sighned?
  7. How long was the war?
  8. Who won?
  9. On July 12th,1812 how many soldiers marched o nthe American side?
  10. When did the war end?

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