The Ultimate Harry Potter Quiz

This is a Harry Potter Quiz! Just answer the questions about the books! Simple as that!Harry Potter Rocks! Hermione Granger Rocks! Ronald Weasly Rocks! Dumbledore ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

Harry Potter Rocks! Hermione Granger Rocks! Ronald Weasly Rocks! Dumbledore ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!This is a Harry Potter Quiz! Just answer the questions about the books! Simple as that!Harry Potter Rocks! Hermione Granger Rocks! Ronald Weasly Rocks! Dumbledore ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Jayce
  1. What is the Last name of Harry's aunt, uncle, and cousin?
  2. What is his uncle's name?
  3. What is His Aunt's Name?
  4. What is his Cousin's name?
  5. What did Hagrid give Harry for his Birthday?
  6. What is the name of the Wand shop where Harry gets his wand?
  7. What does Ron try to turn yellow on the train to Hogwarts?
  8. Who is hiding in the girls bathroom that Ron and Harry go save on halloween evening?
  9. How many players are on each team in Quidditch?
  10. What vault nuber was the Sorcerer's Stone in when Harry and Hagrid went to Gringots?
  11. Who gives Harry his Nimbus 2000 right before his first Quidditch Match?
  12. Who's body is Voldemort hiding in?
  13. What is the Name of the Second Harry Potter Book?
  14. Who is Harry's Favoite Teacher?
  15. What is Harry's Favorite class?
  16. What is Harry's Mother's Name
  17. What type of dragon does Harry battle in the fourth book?
  18. Who is Harry's Godfother?

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