The top summerland quiz

Summerland is a great show so take this quiz to see how much you know it hopefully you know it alot and i wish you luck, because no one deserves to suck. Righ? Well if you get a low score just keep watching the show and take this quiz again later.

How much do you know summerland. I got 100% on this test and hopefully you do to. You are not trying to beet anyone so just do the best YOU can do.

Created by: Kaylee James
  1. In the episode "So the day begins" why does bradin get drunk?
  2. Why does Nikki get mad at Aunt Ava in the episode "Fireworks"
  3. Who finds the marijuana in Bradins jeans?
  4. What is Cameron's ex-girlfriends name?
  5. In the episode "big Waves" who kidnapes Jay?
  6. It the episode "Heat Waves" what does Derriks friend find and sell that belongs to Johnny
  7. Who is Bradin's wild and crazy girlfriend.
  8. In the episode "Skipping school" where does Sarah want Bradin to run away with her?
  9. Who moves in with the family in the episode "Kicking and Screaming"?
  10. What is nikki's princible's name?
  11. What is Cameron's girlfriend's name in the episode "yummy mummy"
  12. Does Ava ask Simon to marry her?
  13. Why does Bradin hve to go to the Hospital in the episode "I am the walrus"?
  14. Who embarrasses nikki in the episode "Sledgehammer"?
  15. In the episode "Life goes on" who gets in a fight?
  16. Who goes to the hospital in the episode "Mr & Mrs who"
  17. Why do Callie and Bradin fight about in "The Pleiades"
  18. Why does bradin break up with Callie
  19. What episode do we relize that Cameron's dad beats him.
  20. Does Bradin become a famous surfer
  21. What is bryce sister's name?
  22. Who hits their head in the episode "Carful what you wish for"
  23. What is the last episode called
  24. How old is Bradin?
  25. Who plays bradins wild and crazy girlfriend Sarah
  26. What are Derrik, Nikki and Bradins real names?
  27. In the first episode what is Derriks problem?
  28. What does nikki do to get over her parents death
  29. What 2 hit movie does ZAc Efron star in?
  30. How old was zac efron really?

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