The stainless steel rat mystery quiz(Big trouble on little pluto)

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Do you have the brains, guts, and style of the stainless steel rat? can you face intergalectic villians with a smirk on your face while keeping your fingers crossed behind your back? can you be quick on the wits as your enemies are on the laser trigger? that takes someone with brains and guts that takes a stainless steel rat!

this is a fun quiz designed to be simply fun and everyone likes a fun imaginative quiz and this quiz is something you will like becuase almost everyone loves mystery and adventure. tak this quiz to start an enjoyable mystery adventure.

Created by: doctorw2
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your name is slippery jim degriz aka the stainless steel rat an intergalectic thief who is so good at stealing and breaking out of prisons they had to make you a:
  2. you are sent on an assignment involving the smuggling of a highly addictive drug called stardust on an industrial colony on pluto which was originaly the:
  3. you land on pluto and you are awe struck by the huge domed cities covering the planet. you enter the customs station and someone grabs you by the arm and they are angry and say "Hey you're jim degriz!" you:
  4. the man lets you go and is in a better mood he introduces himself as customs officer Trellis. you:
  5. you are tired and rest at a fancy hotel you order room service and you notice that there is a strange sound in your room so you:
  6. the sound is coming from a inside the wall of your room so you:
  7. you discover that the sound was coming from a:
  8. after discovering what the noise was you:
  9. after you have rested and eaten properly, you go out exploring the cities when you are confronted by two large men with solid lead pipes in their hands. you:
  10. you find yourself taking refuge in an empty silo. the two men who confronted you are looking for you when suddenly a fat man asks: "did you get him?" the men answer no mr Friz. you know that friz is probably:
  11. you follow the men and friz to what appears to be a hydroponics plant what is hydroponics?
  12. you discover that the hydroponics plant isnt what it appears to be the drug stardust is being smuggled how:
  13. you want to find out more about who is actualy paying to have the drug delivered so you:
  14. you learn that friz has a vast operation covering all the cities but in order to keep his operation going he must:
  15. you decide to talk to the city magistrates they are named: marhel,grey,lina, and zurman they are all cooperative with your inquires but, grey insists that you leave pluto becuase he can handle the drug crisis on pluto you decide that he:
  16. you go back to your hotel room and pretend to have a conversation with grey in which you fake going bad, the door opens and:
  17. you are taken to friz and he insists that your working for the police you:
  18. friz believes you and tells you about who is financing the drugs and having them delivered to earth. when he tells you thats when you realize of course no one else on pluto knew who you were except that person. you call for the interpol galectic police and they arrest friz along with
  19. who wrote the stainless steel rat novels?

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