The Shoutout Quiz Edition:1

I have been here for 4 months and I have made many friends here. You can see their usernames below. Come on . Take it and lets see if your name is here orr not.

This quiz is a shout out quiz and its for fun and enjoyment. Is your name their? If not then you please comment me. Then you will be my new friend. Come on and have a look at it.

Created by: Nazifur Rohman

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. My first shoutout goes to Samntha.
  2. Then Jeeshan to have a good friend both here and in real life.
  3. Then Devil_Mayan:
  4. Then DreamofNight:
  5. Then Percie:
  6. Then comes Cookiechan:
  7. Then comes Jinx Blackclaw:
  8. Then Rohit:
  9. Then Ello:
  10. Then I am Cool:
  11. Then Cheshire Cat:
  12. Then Dark22978 as a moderator:
  13. Then RainInTheShadows:
  14. Then Kelly Bhatta:
  15. If your name isn't here please comment.
  16. Then comes Sphinx:

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