The Randomness Quiz

There are many random people, but few truly random. Randomness is, afterall, quite exceptional. And as a random person might say, cheers. And good luck.

Are YOU random? Or do you just THINK you are? You might be more random than you might know, or maybe less than you know. Only time will tell... Or this quiz.

Created by: Isella Howler

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. :) :0 :) :0 :) :0 :) :0 :)
  2. There... Was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his name, oh,...
  3. ...
  4. 1.
  5. If a chicken is there, and a chicken is here, and on you're head is a rooster, and you are sitting on the horse while the word crumbly fits you well, who are you?
  6. I KILL YOU!
  7. Why?
  8. Hey!
  9. This is the 'The Randomness Quiz.'
  10. Please?
  11. Thanks!

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