The Random-est Quiz Evar!

This is the random-est quiz ever created, so be prepared to get random questions. Also, if you're allergic to questions and/or weirdness, for your safety, please don't take this!

Are you random? TOO BAD I'M THE RANDOMEST THERE IS!!!! If you're a fish, please don't ever use a computer again. In a few minutes, the world will implode! Find out how to save it!

Created by: BananaGirl

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  2. Are you random?
  3. Llamas or Alpacas?
  4. Finish the lyrics: I like to make myself believe... Hint:FowlCommunity
  5. The world is going to implode. What do you do?
  6. What is your favorite flavor?
  7. Name this phrase- Suddenly, PINEAPPLES!
  8. What is QWOP about?
  9. Question 11! Are you exited?
  10. Last Q. This is important. 100101010101010101010110101010101010 What is that called?

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