the quiz that you take

there are many smart people but when you have reached ice cream u are truely a master of them all thank you for your time kind person and may u mlive in peace

do u like ice cream? do u have the power to be ice cream? then join me and stop all the soup that flows amongst the word only now u can be ice cream

Created by: Stevo

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. how many fingers do i have?
  2. what sound do dogs make?
  3. what is my full name?
  4. what is the best part of life?
  5. what is my very favorite color?
  6. what is my favorite snack?
  7. who's my favotite actor?
  8. if i was in the dessert by myself who or what would i be with?
  9. if i was soup what would i be?
  10. if i was in the middle of the ocean what would i need?

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