the quiz about you and poop

people have been pooping their whole lives but do not pay attention to your poop. this quiz is to designed to test you on your poop a just see how much you know about it.

are you smart enough to be a poopologist. very people have achieved the status of being a poopologist. Are you going to be the next poopologist. if you pass this test you can say you are a doctor in poopology.

Created by: randy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how often do you poop?
  2. do you look at your poop after you go to the bathroom?
  3. do you like pooping?
  4. do you sme1l your poop?
  5. how does your poop smell?
  6. how big is your poop?
  7. how often do you clog the toilet?
  8. when the toilet gets clogged by you who do you blame it on?
  9. do you poop in public places?
  10. do have to use a fan when you poop?

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