The Quiz About Me

This quiz is all about me and my life!! come take it and see if you know me!! It just talks about my favorite stuff and the names of some of the people in my life!! It will be easy enough just try it and see what your score will be!!!!!!!!!If it is not really well you really dont know me so go try again!!If you make a 100 congrats you know me really really well and your a genius!! You must talkto me quite a bit!!

SO take this quiz and find out if your a close friend or boyfriend or if your a person who doesnt even know me! well i guess we will see when your results come back!! I hope you are a person who knows me really well I guess we are about to see!!!Good Luck!

Created by: Brittany of
(your link here more info)
  1. What is my favorite sport?
  2. What is my boyfriends name?
  3. Where is my favorite place to go on Friday and Saturday nights?
  4. How many brothers and sisters do i have?
  5. Who do I talk to most on the phone?
  6. When is my birthday?
  7. What is my favorite song?
  8. Am i going to the Justin Timberlake concert?
  9. How long have me and Alex been going out?
  10. What postion do I play in softball?

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