The Man of My Dreams

Ok, this is a quiz for all the guys out there that visit my page, or are already my friends. I have felt inspired to develop a little something so that I may find the man of my dreams. Take some time, and do the quiz, lets see what the results are.

One thing you need to realize, I am a "SUPER Catch". Never been married, and no kids...Hey, I even have a job. So, what are you waiting for. I only want true love, lets see if you are the one.

Created by: christina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color are your eyes?
  2. What color is your hair?
  3. Which song would be your theme song?
  4. If you were going to take me on a date, Where would it be?
  5. What color are your eyes?
  6. What color is your hair?
  7. If you were going to bring me a bouquet of flowers, what would you chose?
  8. If we went on date, Where would you take me?
  9. What song best describes you?
  10. Do you have chest hair?
  11. What is your alcoholic beverage of choice?
  12. What kind of movie do you like best?
  13. If we were going on a trip, Where would it be?
  14. Would you try to go bed with me on the first date?
  15. Would you be supportive of my career?
  16. Do you want children?
  17. Are you handy around the house?
  18. Which best describes your personality?
  19. How would you like to spend your Saturday morning?
  20. Would you rub my feet ( after work) ? Might be a trick question
  21. How many times would you call me per day?

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