The lost quiz that nobody can get to

so do you want to know how to find a lost quiz? it's easy. just follow my directions. I'm so sad because I hate it when my quizzes get lost. It's so so sad.

Once you get to it please please post it to any accounts on any website you are signed up to. I just can't imagine how my poor quiz got lost. It's sad.

Created by: Anastasiasquiz
  1. So do you want to know how to get to a lost quiz?
  2. If you do, take this quiz, and please comment if it worked. I do read comments.
  3. So the lost quiz is called...
  4. www. / my _ life _ story _ anastasia
  5. ...except without any spaces
  6. that was the url.
  7. Now write it down in your url box, but WITHOUT SPACES...
  8. and press enter.
  9. Whala! You get to a new quiz!
  10. If you like, you can save it to your favorites list so you can get to it whenever you want.

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