tHE iMPossIBLe rANduMbO tESt 3!!!!
YO YO YO!! THIs is the third- count it- THIRD I.R. test!!! Get your spongebob boxers and sticky note face on! You are about to take an awesome test (that I worked on for HOURS, because you are that special to me that I took a brake from reading Maximum Ride so you could take this test!)
Spppp-I mean, Soooo... you think you're a major league weirdo like me, eh? Think you know what "weird" really means? You're about to experience TRUE weird, not just what you learn from your prissy friends by saying "random" and that catle excrment. READY. Set. Gopher. Gore. Goofy goober. GO!!!!!!!
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