The Hunted - Chapter One
[PROLOGUE] Today is my thirteenth birthday. Im so excited I'm finally a teenager! "Ari! Get your bathing suit on!!" Mother calls up to me. "Okay!" I shout. Im having a beach party. I slip into my bathing suit and sit on the bed to text my friends. My door opens and I look up to see Mother. In her hand is a diamond charm bracelet. I gasp and she slips it on my wrist, "It used to be mine. Now it is yours my dear." she says warmly. "Oh thank you mother!" I exclaim in delight and hug her. She pulls away and I look into her eyes. She looks sad. She leans close and whispers "I love you." but it seemed like she especially meant it this time.
[STILL PROLOGUE] (Time skip) I smile as I feel the soft sand in between my toes and I decide to go look for Mother and Father. "Mom?" I call out. I hear a scream and I start running towards her voice. I see my father standing over her and I think he's trying to help her. Then I see the knife. He smirks at me "Say goodbye princess." he says hatefully. I look at mother with terror in my eyes. "Run Aria! RUN! Run until you find your destiny. Then you will be free." she tells me. "MOTHER! Mother what do you mean?" I scream. "YOU CAN'T KILL HER!!" He smirks at me before driving the knife in her heart. And that is why I hate the beach.
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