The Help-Characters

The Help is a wonderful book with many wonderful and hilarious characters. Think you know everything about them? Take the quiz and find out if you do!

Do you think you are the ultimate The Help genius? Take this quiz and find out! If you do not do so well, check back to my website for the true answers!

Created by: Sarah of The Help
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is Elizabeth Leefolt's maid?
  2. Who was Minny Jackson's boss before Celia Foote?
  3. Hilly is the antagonist of the novel
  4. Where is Skeeter's new job located?
  5. Aibileen's son Treelore died before she started her latest job.
  6. Who committed the Terrible Awful Thing?
  7. Celia Foote fits in immediately with the League women upon moving to Jackson
  8. Who is battling cancer?
  9. What is Elizabeth Leefolt's daughter's name?
  10. Who dumped Hilly in college to date Celia?
  11. The novel takes place in Jackson,Mississippi in the 1980s
  12. What is/are the main them(s) in the novel?

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