The Hardest Math Quiz You Will Ever Take In The History Of Your L

There are many (not) smart people, but few (very) true geniuses (me). Genius (me again) is, after all, quite (hmm, quite) exceptional (what's that mean?). What is a genius? (if you don't know, then it isn't you) A genius (me) is someone (me) who has an extraordinarily clever mind (me), is able to solve complex problems (me), and see (me) the world (me) through an (me) entirely (me) novel (?) point (me) of (me) view (did I mention me?).

Are YOU a genius? (you aren't) Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? (you don't) Until now you could only wonder (because you are not a genius). But thanks to this great quiz (really great), in just a few minutes (it actually might take you a few decades) you will find out! (you so sure?)

Created by: Nik Pierce

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which of these fractions is the largest?
  2. What is the slope of a line which is perpendicular to the one passing through (1,3) and (-2,1)?
  3. How many ordered pairs of integers with a sum of 19 have a product that's maximal?
  4. For what values of p does the equation pxpx + 2x - 3 = 0 have no real roots?
  5. The triangle with sides 5, 6+x, and 7+x has a right angle. Solve for x.
  6. If one constructs a 6 x 6 x 6 cube out of 108 black unit cubes and 108 white unit cubes, what is the largest possible fraction of the surface area that can be black?
  7. If x and y satisfy x + y = 8 and xy = 10, then xxx + yyy is what number?
  8. How many real solutions are there of the equation (xxxxxx - 8) / (xx - 2) = 3?
  9. A circle with a radius of 1 fits snugly into one quadrant of a larger circle. Find the radius of the larger circle.
  10. What is the sum of the roots of the equation x(2x+3)(4x+5)+(6x+7)(8x+9)=0?

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Quiz topic: The Hardest Math Quiz You Will Ever Take In The History Of my L