The Gun Smarts Quiz 3, reloaded, hee

Yes, the third installment of these wonderful, knowledgable, Gun Smarts quizes. See if your any good at this, see if you are an "expert" in fire arms, because all gun lovers, need to be gun experts, and these paragraphs are extremely annoying to write...

Come on, try it, see if you are gun smart, see if you know the difference between an ACOG and a scope. See if you know what type of gun the .17 is. See if you know your recoiless rifles, your M-16A1s, your knives, see if you know all of these.

Created by: yellowmadness54

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what does the term "automatic" mean in pistol use?
  2. What type of gun would fire a 17 caliber round?
  3. What company made the GSG5K
  4. Which one of these fires a 40mm artillary round
  5. Which is equal
  6. What is the difference between an acog and a scope? Advanced Combat Optical Gunsite
  7. What would normally happen to most guns if shot after being in water
  8. --ANSWER QUESTION 9 BEFORE READING- The answer to the last question was that they explode, but, which of these guns are resistent to this effect?
  9. What is the name of the part on the M-16A1 that helped the gun through jamming?
  10. The Russians have a little trick up their sleeves, ever here the saying "never bring a knife to a gun fight"? well, in this case, it is different. This knife actually fired out pretty far and fast, what is the name of this knife?
  11. The AK family sure goes on, can you tell which of these below are in the AK family?
  12. Which of these grenades are still used today
  13. Which three of these are used in riots, fired from a weapon btw.
  14. which gun is made FN
  15. Which uses an opperating system the reduces the recoil of this gun, which fires .45ACP (this is a tricky one)
  16. Chances are, the last question you answered the Kriss super, but that is the name of the system, the name is the TDI vector. Now answer this, who developed it?
  17. What is the highest caliber rifle round, that is real.
  18. --ANSWER QUESTION 19 FIRST, CHEATER-- If you answered 75cal, you are right. Now what gun shoots it?
  19. which is taller, the .22 rifle round, or .22 magnum round
  20. Do rocket launchers or RPGs have recoil?
  21. --ANSWER QUESTION 22 BEFORE READING No, they dont have recoil. But this one earned the name, the recoiless rifle. It also is actually more of a rifle than a rocket launcher.
  22. Which one of these list consist of real RPG types?
  23. HK also had a fair share of their great explosive weapons, which of these below are one of them

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