The Gaydar - how gay are you?

Welcome to the GAYDAR quiz! the quiz designed to delve deep into the minds and hearts of english students around the world and release their inner 'fab!'

Even if you have never thought of yourself as a homosexual, this quiz is designed to show you that with the development of the metro-sexual, straight teenagers of 2007 are not that different from homosexuals!

Created by: marthaandadri

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favourite Colour?
  2. How long do you spend doing your hair in the morning?
  3. How long do you usually spend in a shopping centre?
  4. Have you ever been involved in a school play/musical/concert?
  5. Be honest - have you ever worn girls clothes?
  6. How often do you use the word 'fabulous' or 'darling'?
  7. Do you own a feather boa?
  8. Do you think rainbows are pretty?
  9. Did you ever catch yourself dreaming you were Kate Winslet in Titanic.. wrapped in Leo's strong embrace at sunset?
  10. Do you pluck your eyebrows?
  11. Would u flirt with a police officer to get out of a speeding fine?
  12. And finally ... Brad Pitt is...

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Quiz topic: The Gaydar - how gay am I?