The Funny Quiz 1

Warning! If you answer the correct question you will fail. If yuou read this you will be better than anyone else. This quiz is meant to be funny, not historical or factual.

Guess the most funny answer and you may pass, if any question offends you I am sorry, but this is for humor and entertainment and fun. It is not mean t to be taken literally or seriously.

Created by: Daniel Throop

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who killed Millions of Jews?
  2. Who was the First President of the U.S.A?
  3. What year did Leonardo DiCaprio win an Oscar?
  4. When did David Bowie die?
  5. When did Alan Rickman die?
  6. How old are you?
  7. Who killed JFK?
  8. Name the funniest word.
  9. Name the most serious word
  10. Choose the best phrase to say after someone you hate dies.
  11. What is the meaning of life?
  12. What is the meaning of the universe?
  13. When will Chuck Norris die?
  14. What is Albert Einstein famous for?
  15. What is George Washington known for?
  16. What is JFK known for?
  17. What is Teddy Roosevelt known for?
  18. What is FDR known for?
  19. What is Abraham Lincoln known for?
  20. Choose between these hypothetical Wi Fi networks below.
  21. Which is funnier death or a chicken?
  22. Knock Knock...
  23. Daisy/ Doctor/ Moo/ Boo/ FBI! Open the door or we will break it down!
  24. 2+2=?
  25. 1+1=?
  26. Last Question(s) (Will effect score) Will you like this?
  27. Will you share this? (Will effect score)

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