The Funny Quiz!!

This quiz is for fun so have fun i guess good luck and i dont like this quiz and this is funny and this is not to annoy anyone ok?? i like pie and yes this quiz is dumb

I don't have this one enjoy the quiz and don't cheat (like you can) but don't okay? so yea and yea this is for fun like i said i hapo you enjoy it. now!!!

Created by: hihi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Number is this?!?!
  2. Who is better Mario Or Master Chief
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. Wat Is the best weapon?
  5. WAt Number tis this question??
  6. Hi
  7. Will you skip this question?
  8. Yay your done happy you did you like this quiz?
  9. well i lied its not the end
  10. Now its done

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